Hegar’s U.S. Senate Primary Campaign Was Endorsed By Sen. Elizabeth Warren
In 2020, Sen. Elizabeth Warren Announced A Series Of Endorsements For Candidates, Which Included Hegar – Who She Praised As Embodying “Strength, Courage, And An Unwavering Commitment To Putting People First.” “Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday announced a series of House, Senate and state legislature endorsements for 2020, including Air Force veteran MJ Hegar, who is challenging Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas). Hegar, who narrowly lost to Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) in 2018, will face state Sen. Royce West (D) in a runoff election on July 14. ‘At a time when working families are being squeezed to their breaking point, we need fighters in the Senate like @MJHegar who embody strength, courage, and an unwavering commitment to putting people first,’ Warren tweeted Tuesday. ‘I’m proud to endorse her in the fight to deliver real results for Texas.’” (Zack Budryk, “Warren Announces Slate Of Endorsements Including Wendy Davis And Cornyn Challenger Hegar,” The Hill, 5/19/20)
Hegar Said She Was “Proud To Have [Warren’s] Support As We Take On The Special Interests And Corruption In Washington.” (MJ Hegar, Twitter, 5/19/20)

(MJ Hegar, Twitter, 5/19/20)
Hegar Said She Was “So Proud To Be Standing With” Warren. (MJ Hegar, Twitter, 5/19/20)

(MJ Hegar, Twitter, 5/19/20)
Hegar Voted For Warren In Texas’ Presidential Primary Despite Warren’s Support For A Green New Deal And Medicare For All
In The Texas Presidential Primary, Hegar Voted For Warren, Crediting Her “Solid Record Of Fighting For Working Moms And Families.” “In the presidential race, Hegar told reporters as she cast an early ballot on Feb. 26 that she voted for Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Hegar explained that she doesn’t agree with all of the positions of Warren, who has since dropped out. But Warren ‘has a solid record of fighting for working moms and families’ and rooting out corruption, Hegar said.” (Robert T. Garrett, “Tzintzún Ramirez Endorses West,” The Dallas Morning News, 3/10/20)
- When Asked Who Among The Remaining Democrat Hopefuls Hegar Supported, Her Campaign Claimed She Had Not Endorsed Anyone And Did Not Plan To Endorse In The Race. “Asked Monday if Hegar supports one of the remaining Democratic presidential hopefuls, Sherman, the Hegar spokeswoman, replied, ‘She has not endorsed in the presidential race and does not have plans to at this time.’”(Robert T. Garrett, “Tzintzún Ramirez Endorses West,” The Dallas Morning News, 3/10/20)
Warren Campaigned For President Touting Her Support For The Green New Deal. “The world must limit warming to below 1.5° C to avoid the most catastrophic outcomes, cutting carbon pollution roughly in half by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions before 2050. As the world’s largest historical carbon polluter, the United States has a special responsibility to lead the way, and my administration will work with our international allies to achieve these ambitious carbon reduction goals. That’s why I’m an original supporter of the Green New Deal, which challenges us to go above and beyond — to launch a ten-year mobilization through 2030 to achieve net-zero domestic greenhouse gas emissions as fast as possible. It’s also why I’ve woven climate mitigation and resilience throughout my policy proposals, because we won’t meet our climate goals with a one-time, one-size-fits-all approach — we’ll need big, structural change, across a range of industries and sectors, and sustained over time.” (Warren Democrats Website, Accessed 7/10/20)
Warren Presidential Campaign: “Medicare For All Is The Best Way To Cover Every Person In America … No Later Than My Third Year In Office, I Will Fight To Pass Legislation That Would Complete The Transition To Full Medicare For All.” “We can fix this system. Medicare for All is the best way to cover every person in America at the lowest possible cost because it eliminates profiteering from our health care and leverages the power of the federal government to rein in spending. Medicare for All will finally ensure that Americans have access to all of the coverage they need – not just what for-profit insurance companies are willing to cover – including vision, dental, coverage for mental health and addiction services, physical therapy, and long-term care for themselves and their loved ones. Medicare for All will mean that health care is once again between patients and the doctors and nurses they trust–without an insurance company in the middle to say “no” to access to the care they need. I have put out a plan to fully finance Medicare for All when it’s up and running without raising taxes on the middle class by one penny. … And finally, no later than my third year in office, I will fight to pass legislation that would complete the transition to full Medicare for All.” (Warren Democrats Website, Accessed 7/10/20)
Warren Also Supported A Nationwide Ban On Fracking And A Wealth Tax On The Richest Americans. “While coal production has been declining for a decade, the advent of fracking and advances in drilling have driven oil and gas production to record levels and turned the U.S. into the world’s largest producer of the fuels. Warren (D-Mass.) and Sanders (I-Vt.), both frontrunners for the Democratic nomination, have called for a nationwide ban on fracking because of its negative environmental impact. They have also proposed a wealth tax on the richest Americans.” (Victoria Guida, “As Warren, Sanders Urge Fracking Ban, Fed Chief Warns Of Consequences,” Politico, 11/13/19)